Saturday, December 15, 2012

Morph - is a concept of designed by engineers of Nokia, which is intended to be used nanotechnology. This concept has a flexible body, which means it can be folded and kept in the pocket, in the hand in the form of ores, or even in the neck when the transparent color. This Nokia concept through nanotech can even purified.

Window Phone - a concept designed by engineering Seunghan Song, which has the shape of a normal mobile phone but entirely in glass. Along with other options, this concept holds in desktop all weather data and your personal agenda. It can also be used as a notebook.

Cobalto - is the concept of mobile phones for the future of 3D technology. i thought entirely in glass, the prototype has an oval shape, in order to design in 3D maps or objects, when this model is used as a navigator ..

Visual Sound - is a concept from engineering Suhyun Kim, a device which is controlled through voice. Can be written through zërti, can be obtained through his phone, so I can be everything

Natural Phone - Otherwise called the mobile environment. Polls say that the maximum use of a phone is two years.Based on this information, it is also built concept Natural Phone, which is designed to biodegradojë after the expiry of two years

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