Monday, November 26, 2012

How to get back your old facebook chat interface

Facebook recently made minute updates to its interface.It introduced video calling feature in facebook,Introduced link preview in comments and changed the entire old chat interface to a side bar chat.In this method you will not be able to see all your online friends at one time.They are listed in the order of best friends with whom you always interact at first and people whom you less interact at the bottom.The top of the sidebar includes real time updates from all your friends and they show even if you are not at all related to an updates and it keeps on streaming.I realy hate this facebook chat interface and was searching how to revert back to the old facebook chat and finally found the tutorial on how to get back your old facebook chat.
When i say tutorial,do not worry,It is very easy and only few steps to follow.
You only to need to install a simple userscript for getting back old facebook chat.It is easy if you are using google chrome or mozilla firefox.

How to get back old facebook chat in Mozilla FireFox:

Install Greasemonkey firefox addon to your browser From here Greasemonkey addon.
Now after you confirm the installation of greasemonkey firefox will install it and you will need to restart firefox.
The go here and download the Enhance facebook chat userscript and click install.It is a greasemonkey script and will work only with greasemonkey enabled.
After you have successfully installed both the greasemonkey firefox script and the enhance facebook userscript now Sign out of facebook and sign in again.
You will now have your old facebook chat back.

How to Get Facebook old chat interface in Google Chrome:

Google chrome much more flexible than firefox and installing fb old chat is very easy in it.
You only need to install this Simple ENHANCE FACEBOOK CHAT USERSCRIPT from here.
Confirm access to the script and install it,Once you get it installed,
Sign out of facebook and go back to it………..!!!!
Your old facebook chat is ready dude!!!!

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